Diplome și Certificate de excelență ARTELECTRO este recunoscut în mod constant, an de an, pentru eforturile lor în promovarea produselor Siemens ARTELECTRO Recunoașterea în afaceri, în special a pieței materialelor și echipamentelor electrice (Locul I - TOP AFACERI ROMANIA) BUSSMANN by Eaton
ARTELECTRO este importator direct și distribuitor autorizat în România, pentru produsele Bussmann by Eaton
SIEMENS - Soluții industriale de cântărire ARTELECTRO oferă soluții de cântărire continuă pentru cântar (benzi transportoare), atât pentru instalații fixe, cât și mobile, cu unghi de înclinare fix sau variabil


consultingARTELECTRO is your solution for solving problems, from simple to complex, related to the distribution of electrical power, industrial automation and drives, and electrical installations.

For ARTELECTRO, full service is an important index for our performance. Thus, specific technical consultancy, offered by our company, is a guarantee that the solution proposed by our specialists, make your installation work as you want.

ARTELECTRO meets your needs and expectations with solutions for execution of works or services in the following areas:

  • PLC systems – SIMATIC series – Siemens
  • variable speed drives – DC/DC, AC/AC for low and medium voltage
  • process control and field instrumentation (pressure, temperature, flow, level, weighing, etc.)
  • main and secundary switchboards, for low and medium voltage
  • power transformers for medium voltage
  • lighting solutuions ornamental, public and industrial
  • ventilation / air conditioning systems
  • power factor correction (reducing reactive power)

Additional services offered by ARTELECTRO:

  • planning
  • equipments delivery (logistics)
  • panel switchboards and automation
  • software applications
  • commissioning
  • training for customers